Transform Plate Boundaries

(Slip and Slide)

When two plates slide up and down past each other, the boundary formed between the two is call a transform fault.

When the plates slide past each other it is often sudden and violent causing an earthquake to occur.

The San Andreas Fault in California is a well known transform boundary and is the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates.

The entire US may not split apart, but billions of years from now California will spilt apart and Los Angeles will move will move Northwest of San Francisco

1. What happens when the plates slide past each other?
Earthquakes occur as the plates slip and slide Volcanoes form and erupt when the plates slip and slider

2. Where is the San Andreas Fault located?
California New York
3. Transform boundaries form how and why?
Two plates slide over each other and collide forming a fault Two plates slide past each other and in the middle of the two plates forms a fault
4. What is more likely to occur?
In billions of years California will change and Los Angeles will move Northwest of San Francisco In billions of years the US will split in two equal pieces because of transform boundaries
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San Andreas Fault

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