Era Overview

    500 - 1500 A.D

    Spread of Christianity.

    2 main pillars of the times: Devotion to the Catholic Church and Chivalry 

    The code of chivalry:  a true knight pledges to protect all women, defend the weak, serve God, and be loyal to their king.

    Development of feudalism - social, political, and economic system centered around governance of the lord's estates.
    The Crusades:  Holy wars waged by the Catholics against the Muslims in order to regain the Holy Land.

    Result of the Crusades was the increase in trade between Europe and the Middle East & because of increased trade there was increase in cultural diffusion
    Time period of increased trade and cultural diffusion known as the Commercial Revolution.

    Increase in trade allowed disease to spread easily - most notably the Bubonic Plague or Black Death - killed 1/3 of population of Europe, caused decline in economy, feudal system, and Catholic Church.

    Hundred Years' War:  1337-1453 between England and France; fought in France.

England wanted to take land from France.
Rulers during the war:  King Henry V - England & King Charles VI - France
France able to win war with help of Joan of Arc.
Results of war:  increased power and prestige for kings of both countries, spread of nationalism, devotion to the Church decreased, chivalry died.

Organization Chart